Nitric Acid in One-Way Container Packaging

Nitric Acid is widely used in several industries such as agriculture, mining/metallurgy, metal finishing, semiconductor, Circuit board, Chemical synthesis, Pharmaceutical, Laboratory. Columbus Chemical Industries offers Reagent, SEMI and Electronic grade High Purity Nitric Acid in a variety of concentrations and packaging options.

Comparing Nitric Acid Packaging Options

Nitric Acid happens to be an extremely corrosive & oxidizing chemical, subject to strict regulations covering required packaging for safe and legal shipment. In most cases, packaged bulk volumes of Nitric Acid sold commercially are packaged in expensive stainless steel or composite containers (drums or totes) which require customer security deposits and regular, sometimes costly, maintenance. Due to their value, these receptacles have a risk of theft and often go missing. In addition, there is additional freight cost experienced with these containers once emptied, when they are returned for refill of Nitric Acid.

To better serve our customers, Columbus Chemical Industries has now made <70% assay Nitic Acid available in safe & legal one way shipping receptacles such as drums and totes.  These affordable containers do not require deposits or special fees and do not require a return shipment of the emptied vessel.  Columbus Chemical Industries offers nitric Acid in one-way container packaging for both high purity and commercial grade specifications in a variety of sizes:

  • 2970 lb One-Way Tote
  • 605 lb Poly/Steel Composite Drum
  • Up to 2.5 L capacity bottles in both PVC coated glass and Poly options

Nitric Acid Distribution Facilities

CCI operates strategically located Nitric Acid packaging and distribution facilities in Phoenix, AZ for serving California, Arizona and Southwest region customers; and Columbus, WI to service Midwest and Eastern State customers.  Our focus is to affordably package Nitric Acid, to specification that the industry requires, with consistent quality and competitive cost. Our service is to provide you quality Nitric Acid, ready to use, reducing the level of associated risk or accident.

With infrastructure and expertise to safely handle all grades of Nitric Acid, including ultra high purity Nitric Acid and dilutions, CCI has become a worldwide provider of this packaged acid.  We look forward to hearing more about your specific requirements.

For more information on our products please feel free to contact us via email or by phone.